Speculating in the financial markets is a matter of choice. But undoubtedly, speculating without knowing it, is a likely recipe for financial disaster. Read on to understand whether you are 'actually' investing. Anyone who participates in the financial markets is invariably advised to 'invest' rather than 'speculate' for long term success. But do we really … Continue reading Avoid financial catastrophes – Know the differences between Investing and Speculation
New year resolutions you can keep…
Did you make any resolutions concerning your personal finances last January? If so, how did you do? Did you attain your financial goals, or you didn’t stick to your resolutions? January is a time to look back as well as look forward - review your financial performance for the past year, and then look for … Continue reading New year resolutions you can keep…
A case for investing in tax-free bonds
In recent times, tax-free bonds have caught investors’ fancy and rightly so. In case, you have not invested in these bonds, the forthcoming issues might be a chance you do not want to miss, especially considering the interest rates being offered (HUDCO 9.01% and NTPC 8.91% for individual investors investing less than Rs. 10 lakhs). … Continue reading A case for investing in tax-free bonds
10 tenets to follow while planning investments
If you want to start planning for your future but don’t know where to start, then the following rules may be of help you begin. Identify your financial needs and goals: The starting point of a sound investment plan is a clear understanding of financial needs and goals. The same is required for determining the … Continue reading 10 tenets to follow while planning investments